Thursday, April 16, 2009


You know, I was kind of torn as to whether or not I should write some kind of "opener" post. It seems kind of cliched and awkward, but I'm going to anyways, and it's not going to include anything that would make it less cliched or typical.

This is my new blog! My old blog is at livejournal, and has not been updated in a very long time. THAT piece of work contains a whole lot of teenage drama and chronicles a few good years, but has grown stale and bitter with age. This lack of updating doesn't mean I haven't been using the internet, have had a dramatic decrease in available time, or have encountered nothing worth writing about. I just got really bored with livejournal, and moreso my blog in general. I want to be connected to social networks here, able to publish a lot of content in different ways, and able to "move out", should I decide to pick up a domain and further customize this space. So hail to the new conduit, out with the old, and all that jazz.


- A daily* handful of links to things I've seen and would like you to see.

- personal updates as to things I deem interesting enough to record here.

- projects! One of the main intentions for this space is to document some upcoming projects I want to get into, mainly as a means to motivate myself. Hopefully I can get some readership in here, and subsequently a little feedback on this stuff :)

- I'm making a second blog, as we speak. This will be a place of opinion and commentary on current events and my pet issues. Will post a link and intro, when applicable

- Other things. Promise.

Thanks for coming by! Please subscribe to my RSS feed, and keep an eye on this space, and let me know that you saw me here and where I can hear about what YOU're doing.

(*every single day I decide to do it.)

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